Local parallel processing

To run an analysis in parallel, we first need to load the Distributed package and add a few worker processes. For example, we may start 5 local processes (that may utilize 5 CPUs) as follows

using Distributed
`Distributed.jl` installation

Distributed.jl usually comes pre-installed with Julia distribution, but one may still need to "enable" it by typing ] add Distributed.

To check that the workers are really there, use workers(). In this case, it should return a vector of worker IDs, very likely equal to [2,3,4,5,6].

Each of the processes contains a self-sufficient image of Julia that can act independently; in turn the additional processes also consume some memory. Each process with loaded COBREXA.jl and a solver such as HiGHS may consume around 300MB of RAM, which should be taken into account when planning the analysis scale.

Using Julia environments with Distributed

In certain conditions, the Distributed package does not properly forward the project configuration to the workers, resulting to package version mismatches and other problems. For pipelines that run in custom project folders, use the following form of addprocs instead:

addprocs(5, exeflags=`--project=$(Base.active_project())`)

Packages (COBREXA and the selected solver) must be loaded at all processes, which may ensured using the "everywhere" macro (from Distributed package):

@everywhere using COBREXA, HiGHS

Utilizing the prepared worker processes is then straightforward: We pass the list of workers to the selected analysis function using the workers keyword argument, and the parallel processing is orchestrated automatically:

model = load_model("e_coli_core.xml")
result = flux_variability_analysis(
    optimizer = HiGHS.Optimizer,
    workers = workers()