Flux sampling
Flux sampling gives an interesting statistical insight into the behavior of the model in the optimal feasible space, and the general "shape" of the optimal- or near-optimal set of feasible states of a given model.
For demonstration, we need the usual packages and models:
import JSONFBCModels, HiGHS
model = load_model("e_coli_core.json")
JSONFBCModels.JSONFBCModel(#= 95 reactions, 72 metabolites =#)
Function flux_sample
uses linear optimization to generate a set of warm-up points (by default, the method to generate the warm-up is basically FVA), and then runs the hit-and-run flux sampling algorithm on the near-optimal feasible space of the model:
s = flux_sample(
optimizer = HiGHS.Optimizer,
objective_bound = relative_tolerance_bound(0.99),
n_chains = 2,
collect_iterations = [10],
ConstraintTrees.Tree{Vector{Float64}} with 95 elements:
:ACALD => [-0.0333753, -0.0128153, -0.0141539, -0.0156375,…
:ACALDt => [-0.0252167, -0.00329747, -0.00303379, -0.003873…
:ACKr => [-0.0143741, -0.022429, -0.0245313, -0.0221085, …
:ACONTa => [6.07803, 6.07503, 6.1175, 6.13723, 6.02992, 6.1…
:ACONTb => [6.07803, 6.07503, 6.1175, 6.13723, 6.02992, 6.1…
:ACt2r => [-0.0143741, -0.022429, -0.0245313, -0.0221085, …
:ADK1 => [0.0290988, 0.028934, 0.0301241, 0.0308649, 0.01…
:AKGDH => [4.5442, 4.45925, 4.54524, 4.61519, 4.45937, 4.5…
:AKGt2r => [-0.00156052, -0.00119021, -0.00107673, -0.00196…
:ALCD2x => [-0.00815858, -0.00951781, -0.0111201, -0.011763…
:ATPM => [8.43084, 8.45818, 8.43258, 8.45021, 8.45303, 8.…
:ATPS4r => [45.1287, 45.2035, 45.0854, 45.0784, 45.2153, 45…
:BIOMASS_Ecoli_core_w_GAM => [0.865401, 0.865384, 0.865423, 0.86539, 0.865341…
:CO2t => [-22.9325, -22.9449, -22.9314, -22.935, -22.9117…
:CS => [6.07803, 6.07503, 6.1175, 6.13723, 6.02992, 6.1…
:CYTBD => [43.8958, 43.9495, 43.9168, 43.9231, 43.8859, 43…
:D_LACt2 => [-0.00776911, -0.00756868, -0.00866403, -0.00847…
:ENO => [14.7681, 14.753, 14.8004, 14.8189, 14.7286, 14.…
:ETOHt2r => [-0.00815858, -0.00951781, -0.0111201, -0.011763…
⋮ => ⋮
The result is a tree of vectors of sampled states for each value; the order of the values in these vectors is fixed. You can thus e.g. create a good matrix for plotting the sample as 2D scatterplot:
[s.O2t s.CO2t]
380×2 Matrix{Float64}:
21.9479 -22.9325
21.9747 -22.9449
21.9584 -22.9314
21.9616 -22.935
21.943 -22.9117
21.973 -22.9453
21.9818 -22.9555
21.9764 -22.9558
22.0033 -22.9732
21.9817 -22.9547
21.984 -22.9631
21.9492 -22.9148
21.9931 -22.9618
21.9585 -22.9263
21.9659 -22.9415
21.9547 -22.9229
21.9466 -22.9122
21.958 -22.9304
21.9521 -22.9231
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