Example: Quadratic optimization

In this example we demonstrate the use of quadratic constraints and values. We assume that the reader is already familiar with the construction of ConstraintTrees; if not, it is advisable to read the previous part of the documentation first.

In short, quadratic values and constraints are expressed similarly as other contents of the constraint trees using type QuadraticValue, which is basically an affine-quadratic alike of the affine-linear LinearValue.

Working with quadratic values and constraints

Algebraically, you can construct QuadraticValues simply by multiplying the linear LinearValues:

import ConstraintTrees as C

system = C.variables(keys = [:x, :y, :z])
qv = system.x.value * (system.y.value + 2 * system.z.value)
QuadraticValue([(1, 2), (1, 3)], [1.0, 2.0])

As with LinearValues, the QuadraticValues can be easily combined, giving a nice way to specify e.g. weighted sums of squared errors with respect to various directions. We can thus represent common formulas for error values:

error_val =
    C.squared(system.x.value + system.y.value - 1) +
    C.squared(system.y.value + 5 * system.z.value - 3)
QuadraticValue([(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 2), (0, 3), (2, 3), (3, 3)], [10.0, -2.0, 1.0, -8.0, 2.0, 2.0, -30.0, 10.0, 25.0])

This allows us to naturally express quadratic constraint (e.g., that an error must not be too big); and directly observe the error values in the system.

system = :vars^system * :error^C.Constraint(error_val, C.Between(0, 100))
ConstraintTree with 2 elements:
  :error => Constraint(QuadraticValue(#= ... =#), Between(0.0, 100.0))
  :vars  => ConstraintTree(#= 3 elements =#)

(For simplicity, you can also use the Constraint constructor to make quadratic constraints out of QuadraticValues – it will overload properly.)

Let's pretend someone has solved the system, and see how much "error" the solution has:

solution = [1.0, 2.0, -1.0]
st = C.substitute_values(system, solution)

...not bad for a first guess.

Building quadratic systems

Let's create a small quadratic system that finds the closest distance between an ellipse and a line and let some of the conic solvers available in JuMP solve it. First, let's make a representation of a point in 2D:

point = C.variables(keys = [:x, :y])
ConstraintTree with 2 elements:
  :x => Constraint(LinearValue(#= ... =#))
  :y => Constraint(LinearValue(#= ... =#))

We can create a small system that constraints the point to stay within a simple elliptical area centered around (0.0, 10.0):

ellipse_system = C.ConstraintTree(
    :point => point,
    :in_area => C.Constraint(
        C.squared(point.x.value) / 4 + C.squared(10.0 - point.y.value),
        C.Between(-Inf, 1.0),
ConstraintTree with 2 elements:
  :in_area => Constraint(QuadraticValue(#= ... =#), Between(-Inf, 1.0))
  :point   => ConstraintTree(#= 2 elements =#)

We now create another small system that constraints another point to stay on a line that crosses (0, 0) and (2, 1). We could do this using a dot-product representation of line, but that would lead to issues later (mainly, the solver that we are planning to use only supports positive definite quadratic forms as constraints). Instead, let's use a single-variable-parametrized line equation.

line_param = C.variable().value
line_system =
    :point^C.ConstraintTree([:x, :y] .=> C.Constraint.([0, 0] .+ [2, 1] .* line_param))
ConstraintTree with 1 element:
  :point => ConstraintTree(#= 2 elements =#)

Finally, let's connect the systems using + operator and add the objective that would minimize the distance of the points:

s = :ellipse^ellipse_system + :line^line_system

s *=
        C.squared(s.ellipse.point.x.value - s.line.point.x.value) +
        C.squared(s.ellipse.point.y.value - s.line.point.y.value),
ConstraintTree with 3 elements:
  :ellipse   => ConstraintTree(#= 2 elements =#)
  :line      => ConstraintTree(#= 1 element =#)
  :objective => Constraint(QuadraticValue(#= ... =#))

(Note that if we used * to connect the systems, the variables from the definition of point would not be duplicated, and various non-interesting logic errors would follow.)

The complete system now looks like this:

C.pretty(s; format_label = x -> join(x, '.'))
│ ╰─┬─ellipse.in_area: 100.0 + 0.25*x[1]*x[1] + -20.0*x[2] + 1.0*x[2]*x[2] ∈ [-Inf, 1.0]
│   ╰─ellipse.point
│     ╰─┬─ellipse.point.x: 1.0*x[1]
│       ╰─ellipse.point.y: 1.0*x[2]
│ ╰───line.point
│     ╰─┬─line.point.x: 2.0*x[3]
│       ╰─line.point.y: 1.0*x[3]
╰─objective: 1.0*x[1]*x[1] + 1.0*x[2]*x[2] + -4.0*x[1]*x[3] + -2.0*x[2]*x[3] + 5.0*x[3]*x[3]

(We changed the tree formatting to show full paths, for clarity.)

Solving quadratic systems with JuMP

To solve the above system, we need a matching solver that can work with quadratic constraints. Also, we need to slightly generalize the function that translates the constraints into JuMP Models to support the quadratic constraints.

import JuMP
function quad_optimized_vars(cs::C.ConstraintTree, objective::C.Value, optimizer)
    model = JuMP.Model(optimizer)
    JuMP.@variable(model, x[1:C.variable_count(cs)])
    JuMP.@objective(model, JuMP.MAX_SENSE, C.substitute(objective, x))
    C.traverse(cs) do c
        b = c.bound
        if b isa C.EqualTo
            JuMP.@constraint(model, C.substitute(c.value, x) == b.equal_to)
        elseif b isa C.Between
            val = C.substitute(c.value, x)
            isinf(b.lower) || JuMP.@constraint(model, val >= b.lower)
            isinf(b.upper) || JuMP.@constraint(model, val <= b.upper)
quad_optimized_vars (generic function with 1 method)

We can now load a suitable optimizer and solve the system by maximizing the negative squared error:

import Clarabel
st = C.substitute_values(s, quad_optimized_vars(s, -s.objective.value, Clarabel.Optimizer))
Tree{Float64} with 3 elements:
  :ellipse   => Tree{Float64}(#= 2 elements =#)
  :line      => Tree{Float64}(#= 1 element =#)
  :objective => 58.9726

If the optimization worked well, we can nicely get out the position of the closest point to the line that is in the elliptical area:

(st.ellipse.point.x, st.ellipse.point.y)
(1.4143143342289577, 9.292943593846765)

...as well as the position on the line that is closest to the ellipse:

Tree{Float64} with 2 elements:
  :x => 4.84863
  :y => 2.42431

...and, with a little bit of extra math, the minimized distance:


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