Example: Processing the trees functionally

The main goal of ConstraintTrees.jl is to make the constraint-manipulating code orderly and elegant, and preferably short. To improve the manipulation of large constraint trees, the package also provides a small functional-programming-inspired framework that allows one to easily transform, summarize and combine all kinds of trees without writing repetitive code.

You might already seen the zip function in the metabolic modeling example. There are more functions that behave like zip, so let's have a little summary here:

  • map applies a function to all elements (including the nested ones) of a tree
  • mapreduce transforms all elements of a tree using a given function (first parameter) and then combines the result using the second function (a binary operator); reduce is a shortcut where the map function is an identity
  • zip combines elements common to both trees using a given zipping function
  • merge combines all elements in both trees (including the ones present in only one tree) using a given merging function
  • variables_for allocates a variable for each constraint in the tree and allows the user to specify bounds

Additionally, all these have their "indexed" variant which allows the user to know the path where the tree elements are being merged. The path is passed to the handling function as a tuple of symbols. The variants are prefixed with i:

Naming conflicts with Julia base

Names of some of the higher-order function conflict with Julia base package and are not compatible. We recommend using them with named imports, such as by import ConstraintTrees as C and then C.zip and C.merge.

For demonstration, let's make a very simple constrained system.

import ConstraintTrees as C

constraints = :point^C.variables(keys = [:x, :y], bounds = C.Between(0, 1))
ConstraintTrees.Tree{ConstraintTrees.Constraint} with 1 element:
  :point => ConstraintTrees.Tree{ConstraintTrees.Constraint}(#= 2 elements =#)

Transforming trees with map

Let's make a tree where the bounds are 2 times bigger and negated:

x = C.map(constraints) do x
    C.Constraint(x.value, -2 * x.bound)

ConstraintTrees.Constraint(ConstraintTrees.LinearValue([1], [1.0]), ConstraintTrees.Between(-2.0, -0.0))

With imap, we can detect that we are working on a specific constraint and do something entirely different:

x = C.imap(constraints) do path, x
    if path == (:point, :x)
        C.Constraint(x.value, 100 * x.bound)

[x.point.x, x.point.y]
2-element Vector{ConstraintTrees.Constraint}:
 ConstraintTrees.Constraint(ConstraintTrees.LinearValue([1], [1.0]), ConstraintTrees.Between(0.0, 100.0))
 ConstraintTrees.Constraint(ConstraintTrees.LinearValue([2], [1.0]), ConstraintTrees.Between(0.0, 1.0))

Summarizing the trees with mapreduce and reduce

How many constraints are there in the tree?

x = C.mapreduce(init = 0, _ -> 1, +, constraints)

What if we want to sum all constraints' values?

x = C.reduce(constraints, init = C.Constraint(zero(C.LinearValue))) do x, y
    C.Constraint(value = x.value + y.value)
ConstraintTrees.Constraint(ConstraintTrees.LinearValue([1, 2], [1.0, 1.0]), nothing)

What if we want to reduce the point specially?

x = C.ireduce(constraints, init = C.Constraint(zero(C.LinearValue))) do path, x, y
    if path == (:point,)
        println("reducing in point/ subtree: $(x.value) + $(y.value)")
    C.Constraint(value = x.value + y.value)
reducing in point/ subtree: ConstraintTrees.LinearValue(Int64[], Float64[]) + ConstraintTrees.LinearValue([1], [1.0])
reducing in point/ subtree: ConstraintTrees.LinearValue([1], [1.0]) + ConstraintTrees.LinearValue([2], [1.0])
ConstraintTrees.Constraint(ConstraintTrees.LinearValue([1, 2], [1.0, 1.0]), nothing)

Comparing trees with zip

Assume we have two solutions of the constraint system above, as follows:

s1 = C.substitute_values(constraints, [0.9, 0.8])
s2 = C.substitute_values(constraints, [0.99, 0.78])
ConstraintTrees.Tree{Float64} with 1 element:
  :point => ConstraintTrees.Tree{Float64}(#= 2 elements =#)

Let's compute the squared distance between individual items:

x = C.zip(s1, s2, Float64) do x, y
    (x - y)^2

ConstraintTrees.Tree{Float64} with 2 elements:
  :x => 0.0081
  :y => 0.0004

What if we want to put extra weight on distances between specific variables?

x = C.izip(s1, s2, Float64) do path, x, y
    if path == (:point, :x)
    end * (x - y)^2

ConstraintTrees.Tree{Float64} with 2 elements:
  :x => 0.081
  :y => 0.0004

Combining trees with merge

Zipping trees together always produces a tree that only contains the intersection of keys from both original trees. That is not very useful if one wants to e.g. add new elements from extended trees. merge-style functions implement precisely that.

The "zipping" function in merge takes 2 arguments; any of these may be missing in case one of the trees does not contain the elements. Also, a key may be omitted by returning missing from the function.

Let's make some very heterogeneous trees and try to combine them:

t1 = :x^s1.point * :y^s2.point
t2 = :x^s2.point * :z^s1.point
t3 = :y^s2.point
ConstraintTrees.Tree{Float64} with 1 element:
  :y => ConstraintTrees.Tree{Float64}(#= 2 elements =#)

As a nice combination function, we can try to compute an average on all positions from the first 2 trees:

t = C.merge(t1, t2, Float64) do x, y
    ismissing(x) && return y
    ismissing(y) && return x
    (x + y) / 2



ConstraintTrees.Tree{Float64} with 2 elements:
  :x => 0.9
  :y => 0.8

Merge can also take 3 parameters (which is convenient in some situations). We may also want to omit certain output completely:

tz = C.merge(t1, t2, t3, Float64) do x, y, z
    ismissing(z) && return missing
    ismissing(x) && return y
    ismissing(y) && return x
    (x + y) / 2

ConstraintTrees.Tree{Float64} with 2 elements:
  :x => 0.99
  :y => 0.78

We also have the indexed variants; for example this allows us to only merge the x elements in points:

tx = C.imerge(t1, t2, Float64) do path, x, y
    last(path) == :x || return missing
    ismissing(x) && return y
    ismissing(y) && return x
    (x + y) / 2

ConstraintTrees.Tree{Float64} with 1 element:
  :x => 0.945

For completeness, we demonstrate a trick with easily coalescing the "missing" things to compute the means more easily:

miss(_::Missing, _, def) = def;
miss(x, f, _) = f(x);
fixmean(a) = miss(a, x -> (x, 1), (0, 0));

tx = C.imerge(t1, t2, t3, Float64) do path, x, y, z
    last(path) == :x || return missing
    tmp = fixmean.([x, y, z])
    sum(first.(tmp)) / sum(last.(tmp))

ConstraintTrees.Tree{Float64} with 1 element:
  :x => 0.99

Allocating trees of variables using variables_for

In many cases it is convenient to make a new model from the old by allocating new variables for whatever "old" tree out there. For example, one might wish to allocate a new variable for an approximate value (plus-minus-one) for each of the above tree's values. variables_for allocates one variable for each element of the given tree, and allows you to create bounds for the variables via the given function:

x = C.variables_for(t) do a
    C.Between(a - 1, a + 1)


ConstraintTrees.Constraint(ConstraintTrees.LinearValue([1], [1.0]), ConstraintTrees.Between(-0.05499999999999994, 1.945))

Note that the variables for the other subtrees are different now:


ConstraintTrees.LinearValue([3], [1.0])

As in all cases with indexes, you may match the tree path to do a special action. For example, to make sure that all y coordinates are exact in the new system:

x = C.variables_ifor(t) do path, a
    if last(path) == :y
        C.Between(a - 1, a + 1)


2-element Vector{ConstraintTrees.Bound}:
 ConstraintTrees.Between(-0.05499999999999994, 1.945)

Looping through the trees with traverse

Since we are writing our code in an imperative language, it is often quite beneficial to run a function over the trees just for the side effect.

For this purpose, traverse and itraverse work precisely like map and imap, except no tree is returned and the only "output" of the functions are their side effect.

For example, you can write a less-functional counting of number of constraints in the tree as follows:

constraint_count = 0
C.traverse(x) do _
    global constraint_count += 1

The indexed variant of traverse works as expected; it may be beneficial e.g. for printing the contents of the constraint trees in a "flat" form, or potentially working with other path-respecting data structures.

C.itraverse(x) do ix, c
    path = join(String.(ix), '/')
    println("$path = $c")
x/x = ConstraintTrees.Constraint(ConstraintTrees.LinearValue([1], [1.0]), ConstraintTrees.Between(-0.05499999999999994, 1.945))
x/y = ConstraintTrees.Constraint(ConstraintTrees.LinearValue([2], [1.0]), ConstraintTrees.EqualTo(0.79))
y/x = ConstraintTrees.Constraint(ConstraintTrees.LinearValue([3], [1.0]), ConstraintTrees.Between(-0.010000000000000009, 1.99))
y/y = ConstraintTrees.Constraint(ConstraintTrees.LinearValue([4], [1.0]), ConstraintTrees.EqualTo(0.78))
z/x = ConstraintTrees.Constraint(ConstraintTrees.LinearValue([5], [1.0]), ConstraintTrees.Between(-0.09999999999999998, 1.9))
z/y = ConstraintTrees.Constraint(ConstraintTrees.LinearValue([6], [1.0]), ConstraintTrees.EqualTo(0.8))

To prevent uncertainty, both functions always traverse the keys in sorted order.

Removing constraints with filter

In many cases it is beneficial to simplify the constraint system by systematically removing constraints. filter and ifilter run a function on all subtrees and leaves (usually the leaves are Constraints), and only retain these where the function returns true.

For example, this removes all constraints named y:

filtered = C.ifilter(x) do ix, c
    return c isa C.ConstraintTree || last(ix) != :y

ConstraintTrees.Tree{ConstraintTrees.Constraint} with 1 element:
  :x => ConstraintTrees.Constraint(ConstraintTrees.LinearValue(#= ... =#), ConstraintTrees.Between(-0.09999999999999998, 1.9))

Functions filter_leaves and ifilter_leaves act similarly but automatically assume that the directory structure is going to stay intact, freeing the user from having to handle the subdirectories.

The above example thus simplifies to:

filtered = C.ifilter_leaves(x) do ix, c
    last(ix) != :y

ConstraintTrees.Tree{ConstraintTrees.Constraint} with 1 element:
  :x => ConstraintTrees.Constraint(ConstraintTrees.LinearValue(#= ... =#), ConstraintTrees.Between(-0.09999999999999998, 1.9))

We can also remove whole variable ranges:

filtered = C.filter_leaves(x) do c
    all(>=(4), c.value.idxs)
ConstraintTrees.Tree{ConstraintTrees.Constraint} with 3 elements:
  :x => ConstraintTrees.Tree{ConstraintTrees.Constraint}(#= 0 elements =#)
  :y => ConstraintTrees.Tree{ConstraintTrees.Constraint}(#= 1 element =#)
  :z => ConstraintTrees.Tree{ConstraintTrees.Constraint}(#= 2 elements =#)

Pruning unused variable references

Filtering operations may leave the constraint tree in a slightly sub-optimal state, where there are indexes allocated for variables that are no longer used!


To fix the issue, it is possible to "squash" the variable indexes using prune_variables:

pruned = C.prune_variables(filtered)


Note that after the pruning and renumbering, the involved constraint trees are no longer compatible, and should not be combined with *. As an anti-example, one might be interested in pruning the variable values before joining them in to larger constraint tree, e.g. to simplify larger quadratic values:

pruned_qv = C.prune_variables(x.y.x.value * x.z.y.value)
ConstraintTrees.QuadraticValue([(1, 2)], [1.0])

This value now corresponds to a completely different value in the original tree! Compare:

(pruned_qv, x.x.x.value * x.x.y.value)
(ConstraintTrees.QuadraticValue([(1, 2)], [1.0]), ConstraintTrees.QuadraticValue([(1, 2)], [1.0]))

As another common source of redundant variable references, some variables may be used with zero weights. This situation is not detected by prune_variables by default, but you can remove the "zeroed out" variable references by using drop_zeros, which allows the pruning to work properly.

For example, the value constructed in the tree below does not really refer to x.x.y anymore, but pruning does not help to get rid of the now-redundant variable:

x.x.y.value = x.x.y.value + x.x.x.value * x.x.x.value - x.x.y.value


After the zero-weight variable references are dropped, the pruning behaves as desired:


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